Home Watch
BlueFlint will monitor the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and notify you immediately when properties meeting your criteria are listed.
Mortgage Calculator
Access Blueflint Realties handy mortgage calculator.
Free Home Appraisal
Concerned about selling your present home BlueFlint Realty will be happy to provide you with a complimentary no obligation appraisal of your current home's value.
Omaha Area Information
Moving into the Omaha Area visit BlueFlint Realties one stop resource on the Greater Omaha Area.
BlueFlint Buyers Reward

BlueFlint Realty is all about Building Relationships and it's all about You. We have a rewards program designed to give a little back to you for using our services. Have a BlueFlint agent help you right from the start.  Tell us what you want and we'll find homes that meet your criteria, set up all the tours, negotiate and write the offer, and coordinate everything all the way through closing.  To say thank you a BlueFlint Reward of up to $1,500 is yours, just for working with BlueFlint. *

Here's how it works:

  • Tell BlueFlint about the home you want.
  • A BlueFlint agent will contact you.
  • You find your new home.
  • You get back a little money.

Go to the Home Watch page to get started on your way to receiving your BlueFlint Buyers reward.

Home Sales Price = Your Reward

   $50,000- $100,000 = $150
$100,001 - $150,000 = $200
$150,001 - $200,000 = $300
$200,001 - $250,000 = $400
$250,001 - $300,000 = $500
$300,001 - $400,000 = $600
$400,001 - $500,000 = $800
$500,001 - $600,000 = $1,000
$600,001 +                  = $1,500

* Based on 2.8% commission paid to us by seller. Effective until 12/31/08


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